
Greetings Urbsters,

We had a great Soundwalk. Special thanks to Jorma and Leona for guiding us on the tour and to the Geography Department, some of whom joined us for the event.

Just some of those who attended.

It was a fascinating talk where we looked at how some spaces can encourage or discouraged users through sound. We also looked at how silence can be calming or ‘deafening’ based on how the space was constructed.

Continue reading “Soundwalk”

CBC Tour

Greetings Urban Studies Students,

The USGSA is coordinating a tour of the CBC and a special discussion with Johnny Michel – the Senior Managing Director for BC and Alberta.

This is an opportunity to explore several issues related to legacy media, their urban dimensions, and the challenges facing Canadian media corporations today.

The current state of both public and private journalism in this country is precarious. Legacy media (newspapers, magazines, broadcasting, radio) is suffering from a severe fragmentation of interests and loss of advertising. Many newspapers have either drastically reduced their print editions, reduced coverage of arts or rural regions, ceased print altogether and gone digital, or entirely gone under. What does this mean for the future of Canadian media and journalism? What does this mean for the number of arts and culture institutions in cities which work with the CBC or other media providers?

There are only a limited number of available spots, so please email

Location: CBC Vancouver, 700 Hamilton St

Date: November 2nd

Time: 10:45am – 12:45pm

Contact: Please RSVP by emailing


Thank you CBC for the wonderful tour and to Public Policy for joining us.




Urban Studies Soundwalk

Greetings Urban Studies Students,

The USGSA is pleased to announce that we have organized a Soundwalk. The tour will be run by Jorma Kujala and Leona Noche through the Vancouver Soundwalk Collective.

“A Soundwalk is a silent walk along a planned route to experience a location’s ambiance and underlying rhythms. All too often the sounds of the environment pass by unnoticed because of our uncanny ability to shut them out. A Soundwalk invites you to actively listen, opening ears and consciousness to the complex orchestration that the environment is composing at all times. It is a musical-sonic adventure that reveals the banal to be extraordinary!”

We have also invited students from Geography, Public Policy, and Gerontology. This will also be a great opportunity to learn more about what is happening in other departments and to connect with other students.

Come join and learn more about the city through the world of sound.

Location: Harbour Center entrance in front of the Library. We will be doing a tour of the Vancouver Downtown.

Date: October 22nd

Time: 11am – 1pm

Contact: Although you can just show up, you can also message us to let us know that you are coming by emailing,

You can see examples of Soundwalks here